Friday, January 7, 2011

Woman Secrets

You know, I was looking at our stats, and ALL of our followers thus far are women! All five of them! Here's what I think: A few men would do well to follow a blog like this. I mean, it's like a window into the minds of HOT COLLEGE BABES. What more could you ask for?

So, to lure some more manly-types to our blog, I'll share a few secrets about women:

-We DO like it when you complement us. We DON'T like it when you complement our outfit. Well, it's not that we don't like it, it's just that it makes you seem a bit... fruity.

-We DO like it when you take pride in your appearance. We DON'T like it when you spend more time on your hair than we do. Not only does this also make you look like a fairy princess, it also makes you seem narcissistic. Also, only rarely is facial hair acceptable, and only if you take really, really good care of it.

-We DO like it when you make an effort to smell good. We DON'T like it when you bathe in cologne. We enjoy breathing.

-We DO like it when you talk about us to your friends. We DON'T like it when you talk about us like a piece of meat. Well, most of the time. There are women out there in this world that actually enjoy being objectified.

-We DO like it when you ask us how we're doing when it seems like we need it. We DON'T like it when you take "fine" for an answer. "Fine" almost never really means "fine."

-We DO like it when you treat us like your friend. We DON'T like it when you treat us like "one of the guys." A girl can only take being called "dude" so much.

There you have it, faithful readers, just a few insights into the complex-ish mind of a hot girl. For all the lady-readers out there, if you have anything to add, feel free to comment, and be sure to tell all your man-friends!


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