Sunday, January 2, 2011

Intro: Saffron

Hello hello, from the wonderfully twisted mind of Saffron! I sincerely hope you enjoy reading the contributions of myself and my two very best friends Coriander and Paprika.

I am a freshman at College State University myself, 18 years of age and very slightly below average height-wise, but other than that I consider myself sufficiently proportional. I skipped a grade early on in my education, so I've always been younger than my cohorts. Add to that the fact that I would (with good reason, I should hope) consider myself above average intellectually and you get a bit of a different personality than your run-of-the-mill college freshman. But then again, I don't think anyone can be considered "normal" because there isn't really such a thing.

I have total commitment issues, so it make it hard to keep things like a blog up, but that's why I have my two BFF's-forever helping me out on this one, giving me a good ol' kick in the pants every once in a while. I really do enjoy writing, it's just tough to maintain.

I'm into music, science, small-scale diplomacy, and computer-ing. Not, like, legit computer stuff, mainly just messing about with graphic art or things like that.

Currently, I am the proud owner of two parents, two younger sisters, two cats, and one boyfriend. You thought I was going to say two boyfriends, didn't you? You rogue, you. I tried that. It blew up in my face. Wouldn't recommend it.

Anyways, that's about it for me! I look forward to getting to know you! Or rather... you getting to know me, because that's how blogs work.


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