Thursday, January 20, 2011


Everyone's favorite thing ever! Now, you'll recall earlier when I mentioned all those guys that interesting things happened with/around. And I told you I'd keep you updated!

First off, there's Mr. Ex. Yeah, he's still around. I thought I could be all cool and be like, "Oh yeah! Sure! We can still be friends, because we're extra super cool people!" Well NOPE! We couldn't JUST be friends. My friend with the hot brother (we'll get to Hot Brother later...) referred to me and Mr. Ex as "uhh... really close... touchy-friends?" So yeah, we can still be friends! If friends are people who kiss each other as they leave for work, hold hands when they're walking down the hall, and put their arms around each other as they're sitting next to each other. And I don't even like this guy! I really don't! That's why I broke up with him! It's super frustrating and I finally just got so tired of it. I'm going to try avoiding him for a while. Which should be pretty easy when he goes on a road trip next week. (Phew!)

Work Guy? Never saw or heard from him again.

And THEN there's Hot Brother. Turns out, he transferred out of my karate class. So did my friend, whose brother he is. Sad day, I don't know anyone in that class. But I do still see Hot Brother around, no fear! He's in the band with me still. I see him every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I even exchanged words with him the other day! I was sitting through rehearsal, and I was having SUCH a hard time concentrating, my brain felt super fuzzy and weird. Then after rehearsal was over, I was putting my instrument away and Mr. Ex came up to give me a hug. Mr. Ex says, "Whoa, you're really hot..." I sort of glared and him for a minute until he said, "No, I mean I think you have a fever..." Then I decided to give up on being upright and sort of slumped to the ground. I shuffled my way out to grab my stuff and go to work, and Mr. Ex was kind of half-dragging me. We walked past Hot Brother right as I moaned, "I'm dying..." And then Hot Brother said, "Aww, don't die. That wouldn't be good." I swooned a little bit and Mr. Ex muttered, "Like he would even care..." Then I smacked him.

Another update on Hot Brother: He finally got a facebook page so I could facebook stalk him. FTW.


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