Wednesday, January 5, 2011

When I was Young...

I've always been the baby. I'm the oldest out of three girls in my family, but I was always a bit of shrimp, and these days even my 12-year-old sister's pants are too big for me. Plus then when I was in kindergarten, I skipped a grade. I always tell people it was because I was so marvelously intelligent, but my mother and teachers say it's because I wasn't challenged enough, so I finished my work faster than the rest of the children and then talked to them and distracted them. Apparently I was a discipline problem.

Anywho, it's always amusing to watch what being a year younger than my peers does. Sometimes people completely disregard me because I'm such a little child, and sometimes people turn to me because they realize how sharp I am. And I don't mean turn to me because they look up to me, I mean turn to me because they realize that if they pick me for their group project for a class, I'll do all the work and they can just goof off.

By far, however, the most enjoyment I get out of this is when it comes to boys. Oh come on, you knew it was coming. We're hot college girls, of course we're going to talk about boys all the time! And, even MORE entertaining, MEN. When I first started college, I ran into a lot of men. In classes, on the bus, walking around campus... And, since I am a hot college girl, I got hit on quite a bit. I remember a conversation I had with a guy in my Physics class on the first day. It went somewhere along these lines:

Guy: Hey, so Physics, right? This is going to be a drag...
Me: Haha, I think it should be great! I freaking love science! (Yes, I know what you're thinking, readers. Don't judge me just because I love math and science more than my own parents.)
Guy: You do, huh? Well, maybe we should get together and form a... study group... (wiggles eyebrows)
Me: (thinking he actually means study) That could be good...

This went on for a bit, with me being totally oblivious and Physics Guy being somewhat creepy. Then the conversation turned to age somehow, he mentioned that he was 27, and I mentioned that I was a bit of an anomaly when it came to age too, so Guy asks, "Oh, uh... How old ARE you?" And I said, "Oh, I'm 17." Watching the change on Physics Guy's face was... priceless. It was the I-Almost-Went-To-Jail expression.

Needless to say, I never talked to Physics Guy again.


1 comment:

  1. We are the same person. Just so you know. I was 17 when I started college too. Oh the adventures
